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Is she a mini lop??

22 11:37:41

I bought my rabbit, Heidi, in late January.  I bought her from a PetLand Discounts pet store and her cage was labeled mini-lop rabbit.  They told me she was a few months old...born in early October.  At the time one of her ears was up and one was down...workers in the store said that baby mini-lops ears dont flop down until they get older and it was unusual for one to be down already.  Well like I said, at first one of her ears were down the other upright, but for a month now both of them have been upright.  Do you think that maybe they thought she was a mini-lop because when I bought her one of her ears were down.  Shes about 5 months now and I was wondering if it's normal for a mini-lops ears to still be upright at this point. Maybe shes not a lop rabbit at all.  -Michelle

Dear Michelle,

It is likely that your rabbit really is a mini-lop. The mini-lop is a breed, but not all mini-lops' ears lop! That is, whether the ears both go all the way down or not, the rabbit is still a mini-lop. If one of your rabbit's ears lops, then even if she is not a mini-lop, she is some lop breed, or part lop (there are others--Holland lop, French lop, English lop, American fuzzy lop), unless her ear is broken or something. At my house, we have several Holland lops. Most of them have ears that both go all the way down, but some have ears that will go one-up one-down, or just flop up and down. I have seen some Holland lops with ears that can stick out straight sometimes! Lops are so cute! It is interesting to see what their ears do. Have fun with yours!

God Bless