Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny eats only hay.

Bunny eats only hay.

22 9:44:03

Just recently (about four days ago) I got a little dwarf rabbit and named him Jasper. He's doing very well and has no problem being petted or held - but I've noticed one big thing. While he eats hay like nothing else and does enjoy his lettuce leaf daily, he doesn't touch his pelleted food. The woman who owned him before me told me to get him Purina Show but I haven't been able to find it. Instead, I got a food that has the same ingredients and he still won't touch it.

Today I bought him a stick with a lot of seeds and fruits that has high fiber (the basis of his diet here) and he will not eat that either. Do you think it's just the kind of food I'm giving him or is it because he's only used to that one kind of food? He has no problem eating my huge bag of timothy hay but I know it doesn't have everything he needs in it.

From Elaine and Jasper, thanks a bunch and God bless!

Dear Elaine,

Some rabbits just don't like pellets.  And bun is smart to not eat the seedy/fruity junk food.  :)  Please see:

Providing him with mixed greens, bits of treat, and lots of grass hay should keep him very happy and healthy.  He doesn't really need pellets if he has a balanced diet, otherwise.

But be sure his picky eating isn't due to dental problems, which are very common in Dwarf rabbits.  Please see:

and find a good vet here who can check:

Hope this helps.
