Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Are bay leaves safe for rabbit?

Are bay leaves safe for rabbit?

22 10:01:10

Recently I had a problem with a single oriental cockroach that was hanging near my rabbit's cage at night-time. I finally got rid of it yesterday but don't want the same thing to happen again.

I clean my rabbit's area, cage, litter tray, food and water bowls religiously every morning but it wasn't enough it seems as that roach still visited. Even if it was just one bug, it made me so very uneasy! I don't want another cockroach hanging near my rabbit again.

So I was thinking about scattering bay leaves around my rabbit's area or making a Potpourri ball with dried and crushed bay leaves and hanging it outside of my rabbit's cage.

But I was reading HRS' suggested vegetables guide and didn't see any Bay leaf. So now I am worried it might not be safe for rabbits. So is it? If it is not, do you have any other suggestion on how to keep pests like cockroaches from getting near my rabbit? I rarely see cockroaches in my home so I don't really want to use insecticide or poisons that might just do my rabbit harm. I just want a preventive measure. Thank you so much and have a good day! :)


bay leaves would appear to be okay to be placed around his area.  Bay leaves are an herbal remedy given to rabbits (crushed in a powder) topically if they have fleas.  So it should be okay (in general) for them to ingest it cleaning their fur.  I just say 'in general' because there's always a chance that it might not sit well with a particular rabbit.