Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbits - Sneezing and Possible Tumor

Rabbits - Sneezing and Possible Tumor

22 11:11:07

Omg i just found another weird flap of skin, a lot smaller, back farther
and closer to his "area," dont know if it was there yesterday but i dont
think so... please answer me!  I saw that you answered two others from
yesterday but not mine!! Please!!

Dear Kaela,

I hope you got my answers by now.  I don't sit at the computer constantly to answer questions, and it's probable that you sent your questions to AllExperts after I was home and doing my endless rabbit chores.  Sorry for the delay, but the internet isn't a place to go for emergencies, after all.

I can't see the flaps to be able to tell you what they are for sure.  Your descriptions are not quite clear enough.  My suspicion is still scrotal sac.  You can see pictures of how to sex rabbits here:

Hope that helps.
