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Young rabbit not eating.

22 10:58:16

I recently purchased a rabbit from someone who obviously was breeding them because she had many in different ages and sizes.  However, she told me the rabbit was six weeks old and after looking at photos of rabbits there is no way this rabbit is that old because she is just too small.  The problem I'm concerned about is I haven't seen her eat or drink or any droppings.  Should I be concerned or is it that she's just not eating much.

Hi Jamie

You should absolutely be concerned.  Rabbits that are taken away from their mothers to early can have serious digestive system problems.  Even if the rabbit had been 6 weeks old it was still to young.  Rabbits should not be separated from their mother's until they are 8 weeks old.  They actually passed a law in my state that makes it illegal to sell rabbits under 8 weeks old.

I would get your rabbit to the vet immediately.  Since it is so young it can go downhill fast.  Make sure to find a vet that knows how to treat rabbits.

If you need help finding a vet you can go to

on the left hand side is a link for vets.

I really hope your rabbit is ok but getting it to the vet is about your only option at this point.

Thank you
