Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit with fleas

rabbit with fleas

22 9:41:58

QUESTION: hello i have a 3 year rabbit living in my chicken barn in a big cage
she is a mini rex and she gust got fleas shes never had them before
(maby why is becase we have 4 new kittens in there with fleas) i was wundering what is  the best things to do ??? i have cumed her put sinamin in in her fur and spred her with 1\2 water 1\2 vinerger.

ANSWER: Dear Con,

Folk remedies like vinegar and cinnamon are not going to be a permanent cure.  You need to treat *all* those mammals (kittens, too) with Advantage (imidacloprid) and/or Revolution (selamectin) to kill the fleas when they bite.  DO NOT use Frontline, as it is deadly to rabbits and also possibly dangerous for kittens.

It is best to try to clean the area where everyone sleeps so that hatching eggs don't continue the problem.  But if you keep the critters medicated for at least two months, you should be able to get a handle on the problem.

If the problem is severe, you might want to ask the vet about Capstar, which will kill the fleas very quickly.  It doesn't last long, so Revolution or Advantage should also be used.  But if there are lots of fleas, they can be life-threatening, and should be killed as fast as possible.

To find a rabbit-savvy vet who can help you, please check the listings linked here:

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks dana i have  clened her cage and spraed it with vineger and am planing on giving her a bath is this a good thing? also is it ok to but some ginger on her food?? thanks agen. oh we also have to male rabbits one (her husbed)
the other her son. but there is n sigin of fleas on them.

Dear Con,

Bath is not necessary nor a good idea.  Use the medications I mentioned in the previous email.  Ginger will not help with fleas, but it might make her reluctant to eat her food.

If the other rabbits don't have fleas, this is a possible indication that she might have some hidden health problem.  Often, only the compromised animals get external parasites.  Please get her to the vet for a good checkup.

Good luck,
