Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Lumps


22 9:51:13

I have a rabbit that isn't a year old yet. Recently I have noticed two lumps under her nipples (the two nipples closest to her tail) They are not solid or hot to the touch but seem to be filled with liquid. I was wondering if it could be a blocked nipple? Could this be because she hasn't mated? I was also wondering if rabbits become sick if they do not breed? Please help!

Dear Angela

It would help if you could send a picture.  The location of these lumps make me wonder if they are actually testicles.  You can find pictures to help you positively sex your bunny here:

If your bunny actually is a female, there is a possibility that she may have mastitis from false pregnancies.  A nipple won't become blocked unless she is lactating, and in some cases a bunny will lactate during a false pregnancy.

All this means it's time to have your bunny spayed.  Unspayed female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer and other reproduction-related ailments, and spaying her will increase her longevity and overall health.  You can then also allow her to choose a neutered "bachelor" bunny from your local rabbit rescuer.  :)

Please read:


for more information on spay/neuter.  You can find a rabbit-experienced veterinarian here:

who can positively identify the lumps and tell you what, if anything, needs to be done.

Hope this helps.
