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holland lop sick?

22 10:03:56

She was sitting in her own urine today, and her poops were like the soft ones that they eat. Had to bathe her to get off the urine, wont eat her greens. She is 9 years old now. Just wondering why she is walking around and dropping poops everywhere all of a sudden. Has she lost control of her bowels?


I can't tell you for sure, but obviously there is something wrong.  Given her age I'd get her into your good regular rabbit vet right away, and if that isn't possible, your emergency vet.  Immediately.  Check her temperature and gum color, if the gums are not regular pink but on the grey white side she needs to be warmed up and transported right away ot the vet.  She will probably be dehydrated too.  Call ahead and tell them she could be in serious shape, dehydrated, possibly in shock.