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help me save my rabbits

22 11:05:29

I have two rabbits that have been in the same cage. Today my female had 3 babies, sadly they were all dead. I have only had my rabbits for about a month. My first question is how long is the mother pregnant with her babies. When I went to check on them today the mother was in her nest with her dead babies. She did just fine making the nest but can I give her something to help her out. My final concern is I don't know how long I have to wait before I can handle the babies. The father is separate from the mother and babies. I have a lot of friends that say they want a baby, so how long till they are ok to be away from her mother. I appreciate your help answering my questions.

Mom is pregnant for 30-32 days. Hay when making a nest will help a female make a warmer nest for little ones. You can handle the babies as soon as they are born with clean, dry, warm hands. It is best to wait until babies are 6-8 weeks old before getting them new homes.