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Very friendly rabbit

22 10:25:48

We recently introduced our 12 week old Maltese Shitzue bitch pup to our 18 month old rabbit buck. The rabbit was very standoffish for a week or so but now seems to be obsessed with the young pup and has now tried "humping" the unfortunate bitch. is there any advise other than newting bugs?

Mounting and humping is not only what male and female rabbits use while mating but it is a dominance thing also.  So this may be your rabbit trying to establish dominance over your new pup, it is also probably part mating on his part.  There are ways to behavior train a rabbit just like you would with a puppy, the best suggestions i have is get a spray bottle that has a mist setting and when you see your rabbit do that spray him with the bottle, do not spray him in the face as that can cause him to breathe in the air or get water in his ears, but a solid shot on the body should make him stop.  Rabbits don't like to be wet, and so this should make him stop and have to groom himself.  Make sure you use a voice command at the same time, such as No (rabbit name), eventually he will associate just the word and you will not have to use the bottle anymore.  You can also try the same method only instead of a water bottle you pick him up and just remove him while using the voice command.

Rabbits are capable of learning and will pick things up fairly quickly, so have patience and keep trying and this behavior should get better.

Good Luck