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11 week old rabbit with hair loss and fallen ear

22 10:34:14

We have recently acquired an 11 week old house bunny.  She came to us with a huge bald patch at the back of her neck, which I was told is where the mother carries her young and that the hair would re-grow within a couple of weeks.  However although she is losing her baby fluff hair and the new short hair is appearing her neck is still bald and very pink. Yesterday I noticed a lump next to her left ear which is raised and red.  To go with this she seems to keep that ear down all of the time.  Could you please advise?

It really sounds like you need to take your baby girl to a rabbit experienced vet.  Fur loss in and of itself can be numerous things.  this site lists the most common fur issues:

The fur loss and the lump should be checked over by a vet.  Usually, these types of things aren't too big a deal and treatment is pretty straightforward.  But having a vet look at it will make sure your bunny gets the proper medicine for her fur loss and that the lump won't get worse and cause anymore troubles.

If you don't have a good rabbit vet, these sites list recommendations for vets: