Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > can rabbits have benadryl?

can rabbits have benadryl?

22 9:53:41

can rabbits have benadryl if they are ill? if so, how much would you recommend? he has a runny nose and leaky eye. thank you

This isn't necessarily allergies and before you do anything, I would suggest you at least have a vet tech look at him. One of the deadliest rabbit diseases (which is treatable# is pastuerella, or Snuffles, and both of these symptoms are more commonly Pastuerella than allergies.

If you see any white in the fluid coming from the nose or eyes, then there is definitely an infection of some type. If not, you may be extra lucky and catching it very early.

In either way, before giving any antihistamine #which may just mask the symptoms and not treat the problem), you should have a culture done by a trained professional.

Good luck! But do keep in touch.