Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Palpating


22 11:08:18

Ok, so i think my 5 month old doe who has been living with a buck is
pregnant... but im not sure.  I tried palpating her tummy like the
islandgems website said, but i didnt feel anything except for some tiny
hard lumps, but they were exactly the right size for poop so i think thats
what they were... the vet who did the same thing had the same result...
so did i do something wrong? and do you have any tips for a first time
rabbit breeder??
Thank you so much

Babies will be a little squishy. At 10 days they should feel like a blue berry or simmular to one. The older they get the bigger. At about 17-20 days they will be grape size or a little larger, and then be full size of course before birth. I am not sure how far along she is, but if she is more than say 12 days or so, then I think what your are feeling is feces, and not a baby.