Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Tumors?


22 10:53:08

QUESTION: I recently saw a wild rabbit with what I will describe as "leech-sized and shaped things" in front of its ears. They were dark brown to black. I am curious if you can tell me what they are, or direct me to another resource. The rabbit was located in eastern Minnesota.

ANSWER: Dear Tanya,

Without seeing them or a photo, I can't even begin to guess.  How big were they?  Were they pendulous or sticking up?  There are several possibilities, from botfly larvae to large ticks, and even to leeches, if you're in an area with ponds and/or streams.

I know it's not likely that you can get a picture, but that would probably be the only way to get a positive I.D. on what this was--short of a physical exam.

Wish I could be of more help.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I wasn't able to get close enough to get a picture. They were pendulous and about the size of a finger. I was thinking maybe they were leeches, but there is always the possibility of other things. I had never seen anything like it on a rabbit. There is currently an issue with spilled chemicals over the last few years in the area, and I hope it isn't some strange growth caused by that. Thank you.

Dear Tanya,

Well, it may forever stay a disturbing mystery. Leeches *can* get onto a rabbit, but it's not very common.

I hope the little guy will be okay.  And I hope you don't have any more problems with chemical spills near your home!

Take care,
