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neutered males/pregnant female

22 11:08:07

Ok, we got out 2 male rabbits (sons of the female) neutred about a week too late and now it seems that their mother is pregnant and ready to give birth. They've all lived together for about 6 months and since being neutred have gotten along fine.

What will happen if they continue to live in the same (extremely large) cage? Will the babies be eaten for sure?
What will the neutered males' reactions be?


A doe and babies cannot live with any other rabbit. The mother will harm the babies trying to protect them, even if the males are not bothering them. Males will try to kill babies, and this is why they should not be in the same pen. The best thing to do would be to separate the males from the female until the babies are born and are weaning age. Then you can reintroduce them back once you sold or gave away the babies. No matter how large your cage keeping them together is not safe. Before separating them you can do a pregnacny check on the doe. This describes how to feel the doe's abdomen for babies. It tells what you should feel and describes what they fill like. Try this one day, wait a week and then do it again to make sure you did, or didn't feel anything. If you do, then you should do as I said and separate them if you want the babies to have a chance to live. You can use the website as a reference for rabbits.