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naughty bunny

22 10:34:47

Hi, I have a miniture lop ear boy called Pancakes(but likes bugs didnt know he was a boy at first) Lately he is starting to get aggressive when we put our hand in the cage and charges at us and bites very hard drawing blood.
Other wise he is loving and cuddly. Is this like going through puberty? and will he grow out of it? He also has started ppoing every where in stead of his kitty litter where he normally goes... Thank you Amanda

If he's not neutered, then it sounds as though hormones might be the cause. I would recommend getting him fixed as soon as you can, because rabbits don't really "grow out" of hormonal behaviors. Pooing everywhere is also a hormonal behavior, used by rabbits to mark their territory.

Here's an article from the House Rabbit Society on cage aggression, which is really quite common in rabbits, and particularly territorial hormonal rabbits.

Hope that helps!