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litter training my lion head rabbit

22 10:53:44

I have a lionhead rabbit and i am trying to litter train him (its a buck). He is about 3 months old! I went to my local pet shop and bought a litter tray ,at first it seemed to big for his hutch outside but it fits now .The problem is whenever i come home from school he has either moved the tray tipped it over or peed in his food bowl .I have tried putting his tray where his food bowl is but that then blocks the entrance to his sleeping compartment, i have looked in books and on other websites but they all seem to say different things and its hard to do all of them at once !What should i do?

You can get a heavier litterpan and move it where his dish is (and move his sleeping area if you can). Then wash his dish out very well.

Or you can change his dish to one of the ones that attaches to the side of the cage and is up higher (about head level so he cannot pee in it). Then just put some holes in the side of the pan up at the top and wire the tray in place.

Place some of his urine and feces in the litterbox to encourage him to go in the box.