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baby bunnys eye infection

22 10:58:06

I work at a rodent ranch an we have rabbets that are out side, I saw a baby bunny that was just sitting there out of place so i went and picked it up its eyes were completely closed red an puffy it took 2 days of wiping it clean it had a lot of puss. Can I use Neosporin around the eye to get rid of the infection, I don't have n-e-thing eles?  

Hi Tara,

do not use Neosporin Plus (w/ lidocaine).  Regular neosporin is okay, but I would say it may not be strong enough to deal with the infection.  I would continue cleaning the eyes at least twice a day, to remove the gunk out.  Then apply the neosporin after cleaning.  It will have the best chance of doing the most to clear it up.

If you can get her to a vet that would be best.  They would be able to determine the nature of the problem and what medicines would treat it most effectively.  What this little guy has may not respond to the neosporin.  I hope it does, though.  Don't try any antibiotics on your own, they could kill the rabbit or too much of a 'safe' one could kill her (not all are safe for rabbits).

Thanks for caring about this little one.
