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Rabbits with possible snuffles

22 9:53:12

We have 4 rabbits that are my daughter's FFA project. Recently they have started sneezing and sound conjested when they get excited. There is no drainage from their noses or eyes. They are eating and drinking normally. I have moved them indoors and put a humdifier in the room (suggested by a vet I talked to). I have read various places on the internet the Pen G can be given sub Q to treat snuffles. I cannot afford the $300 that the vets have said it would take to treat them all. Does it sound like I'm on the right track and is there anything else I can do to help them?

Dear Staci,

Without knowing what the problem is, you can't really guess at which antibiotic will work.  Upper respiratory infections are not always caused by Pasteurella.  Please read:


and find a good rabbit vet here:

who can at least examine and diagnose them properly.  It may not cost nearly as much as you think, and these bunnies need proper care.

I hope this helps.
