Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Does a rabbit need the companionship of other rabbits?

Does a rabbit need the companionship of other rabbits?

22 9:56:26

Hi Dana.

I was recently allowed to buy a rabbit, which is great since I've always wanted one. My main problem is that I cant have more than one rabbit. And I'm thinking of buying a male one. Does it still need to be spayed? Does it require more rabbits to "hang out with"?

Dear Areesha,

Rabbits do love to have rabbit companionship, but this will work only if both rabbits are spayed/neutered.  Please see:

If they are intact and of opposite sex, you will shortly be buried in baby rabbits.  If they are intact and of the same sex, they will likely fight ferociously once they reach sexual maturity, even if they coexisted peacefully while juveniles.  It's just the way they are.

If you are able to adopt rescued rabbits where you are, this might be something to pursue.  Try to find a pair of bonded rabbits who are already spayed/neutered for the best, most peaceful transition.

In any case, for all the best information on the care and health of your new friend, please see:

I hope that this will help you have a long, happy life with your bunny.

Take care,
