Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Strange Bump(s) on rabbits vagina...cant find any info online

Strange Bump(s) on rabbits vagina...cant find any info online

22 9:53:11

My vet is closed for the holidays still so I am posting this question here...
I have an almost 2yr old female rabbit, not spayed. Tonight I was giving her a once over just to make sure everything was okay and upon examining her vaginal area, I pushed on the area (her vaginal area popped up a little bit) and i found 2-3 black bumps. They almost look like cysts, and range in size. The vaginal area was also pretty red. I'm wondering what these bumps could be? She has no other symptoms...Thank you.


I'm so sorry for the delay. I didn't receive the notification of a pending question.

What's the breed and color of you rabbit? Where are the bumps? Are the bumps still there today? It may be normal, and answering those questions will help confirm.

The redness, even a purple tinge, is normal. That's an indication that she's in season.

Nothing to worry of yet. Great job giving her a once over every once in awhile. I wish everyone did that.