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Rabbit eating wood working/walls

22 11:21:33

Our rabbit Sammy is contantly chewing the paint off of the corners of all the walls in the house as well as the wood on our entertainment center.  I was wondering what we could do to keep him from doing so, is there something that we should put on the walls that he won't like the taste of?  

There are many things you can try to see if Sammy will stop chewing.  I've not had luck with any of them, unfortunately.  There's Bitter Apple spray, tabasco sauce, habanero sauce (had one rabbit that liked this a lot), Ivory Soap, smelly perfume...

I have found blocking the area is best.  Plexiglass works well for this.

There's also information at and that you can try.

Bunnies are life support systems for teeth that chew, so we just have to provide plenty of chew toys.
