Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbits and there young

rabbits and there young

22 10:28:16

you have sent me a email back form a previous question saying that i have to give my young a week before checking they are ok.What do i do i know you need to stroke the mother to get her sent on your hands. Do i move the fur of the babys to look and then put it back. Then wat do i do.What if i cum across a stillborn do i take it out from the others. If you have got a similar one to these i am sorry its because i forgot to put my date of birth thenkyou.

hi Robert heres what i do:-
I remove the doe from the cage and give her something to eat -then i soil my hands in the nest litter and uncover the babys to check them
i remove any dead
recover them and then put the doe back in she will be ok.