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my new rabbits bleeding

22 9:43:42

i just got another bunny 2 days ago and i thought she might be pregnant because she went under my dresser and pounce and grunted at my husband for moving things around her so when we went to work i put her in a separate cage and when i got home she got out and their was blood in the cage but it was kinda watered down and now she still spotting could she be having a miscarriage or is the in labor or is it something else

Dear Anastasia,

It sounds as if it could be a miscarriage or even a birth.  Is your other bunny male?  If so, do not let him near her until he is neutered and healed up for 3-4 weeks, or he can still impregnate her.

I hope you got her to a good rabbit vet for a full checkup, since bleeding isn't something that can be handled by asking on the internet.  That requires immediate medical attention. You can find a rabbit vet here:

I hope she will be fine.
