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little bumps, one scab

22 10:32:40


Hi I just bought a little albino dwarf rabbit for my girlfriend for our anniversary, and while getting him use to me. I had him in my lap and i was petting him, and i noticed little hard bumps over him in different spots. I'm wondering if this is too some concern too me for I only have a 15 day health guarentee with the store i bought him from. She really likes this guy and he is quite friendly so I hope someone can tell me what this might be.

The bumps move freely with his skin so their just on the outside and their a light gray/pink. the biggest one I found one and it is a little scab on top or might just be a scab. I tried taking a picture but it just came out all white from his skin/fur color.Their just on his back/lower back up from bum/shoulder the ones I've found so far. Like most are just like almost a zit in size but hard and greyish.I've only found 4 so far.  I haven't checked his belly seeing how new he is too us he is kinda scared.

Hi Drew,

they are probably from bites from other rabbits he was living with.  But they could be other things too.  Since he is young and not seen a vet yet, I would suggest taking him to a good rabbit vet for a wellness exam.  Rabbits need at least an annual exam every year, just like cats and dogs do.

I strongly suggest going to a good rabbit vet.  Start here:

for a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.  Not all vets are good rabbit vets.  good rabbit vets solve medical problems quicker because of more experience, heal your rabbit faster and because of this, save you money, and give you a lot more for your money.  Please take the opportunity with the vet to ask about diet and nutrition needs, and about bunnyproofing the area(s) you are thinking about letting him live and exercise in.

Rabbits are a real pet - they have personalities as complex as a cat or a dog.  They are extremely smart and will surprise you at how well they learn things.  

I strongly suggest spending time on the House rabbit Society web site ( because they have hundreds of excellent articles on all aspects of rabbit care you can search.  Also, pick up the two books I recommend in my profile information.  If you can only get one, get the House Rabbit Handbook.
