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Squeaky Rabbit Ear

22 11:20:19

My Flemish Giant's right ear started to squeak last night.  It sounds kind of like he's clicking his tongue.  I felt his ear and it actually squeaked a little as I moved it around.  There is nothing in his ear.  It doesn't seem to bother him, but I just wanted to make sure that this isn't something serious.

Dear Cristy,

It's not normal for an ear to squeak or click when it's rubbed or moved around.  Though you looked into the canal and didn't see anything, the rabbit ear canal is very deep, and takes a right-angle turn.  If he has an incipient infection, it's best to know about it now, rather than when it's developed into something more serious.

A good rabbit vet can look deep into the ear with an otoscope and see if there's pus to culture.  Please see:

and you can find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope it's nothing, but it's a good idea to have a good vet to check to be absolutely sure.  Once an ear infection becomes established in a rabbit's ear, it can be very difficult to eradicate.

Hope this helps!
