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My rabbit is starting to get mean!

22 10:57:15

I have a 6 month old Castor buck mini rex and for the first 6 weeks that i got him he has been really playful and really friendly!  But recently he has started to growl at me and has now started to growl and charge at me and actually bit through me jeans!  I think his hormones are starting to overload!  Because when my girl friend or I come up to the cage he starts to dance around in the cage!  How do i get this to stop so that he might be a good pet that i can let out with out worrying about him biting me?  He is also not fixed either!

Dear Phillip,

You almost answered your own question in the last sentence.  Your buddy is now starting to get hormonal, and it's high time for him to be neutered so that his biting and acting out don't become learned "tricks" that are difficult to stop.  Once he's neutered, he should calm down a LOT in 2-3 weeks post-op.  

For more information on spay/neuter in rabbits, please see:

And find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps!
