Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Im wandering if maybe you might know anything on Cataracts or Blindness in Holland Lops

Im wandering if maybe you might know anything on Cataracts or Blindness in Holland Lops

22 10:21:01

QUESTION: My reason Is Because I am a person In FFA and 4-H that is also an ARBA and TRBA member but I have a rabbit that I have been showing for 3 yrs. and I was wandering because one of my Hollands has white spots on the cornea of her eye's and seems like she only pays attention by listening and sniffing around like last night I was giving her dried fruit and she didn't look for it but she sniffed around for it and heard me say common sky eat your fruit. But about a few seconds later she found it. Also i wanted to let you know that I have called a friend of mine in 4-H that that has been a rabbit owner and in 4-H for about 35 yrs. and he will come over in a few days to check her out if your not sure but thank you for all your help.
         Thank u,

ANSWER: Dear Jamie,

The person who should examine your bunny is an experienced rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

It's possible the vet will refer you to a veterinary ophthalmologist, who can determine whether the spots you see are corneal ulcers, cataracts, or some other problem.  I would NOT leave this to a breeder, even if s/he has been breeding rabbits for 35 years.  Breeding is not ophthalmology nor is it veterinary medicine, and your rabbit needs a *vet* not a breeder.

The condition your bunny has may be treatable, and it could be a chronic problem such as glaucoma.  There is no way a breeder is going to know this, nor be able to do the proper tests to find out.  Please do the right thing and get your bunny to a good rabbit vet for proper diagnosis and treatment of the problem.  This is the only right thing to do.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well this is not a question but I wanted to let you know that I took her to the doctor and they said that it was lipid. So he gave me some eye drop antibiotics that is called Mytoclyicin "not sure if I spelled it right though".
He said it some sort of fat on the cornea of her eyes so I just wanted to let you know.

Dear Jamie,

Hmmm.  I have heard of this in other species, but never in a rabbit.  That's why it's very important not only to take your bunny to a veterinarian who is very experienced with rabbits, but preferably to a veterinary ophthalmologist.

I hope that the diagnosis is correct.  If the lesion doens't get bigger or change, then it may be something benign and stable.  But keep an eye on it in case it does change.  If this happens, then your bun will need the help of a veterinary ophthalmologist to determine what's going on.

Good luck!
