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Inguinal canals? Nope. Scent pockets.

22 9:53:09

my rabbit is 4 and i got very worried that he had to cuts either side of his bits, turns out he meant to have them and it where his testicles where. but when i had alook it looked like they where full of 'poo' and was very smelly, should i clean them?

sorry if this dont make sense. I didnt really no hoe to explain.


Dear Chantelle,

What you have found are your bunny's scent gland pockets.  They're probably not filled with poop, unless he has chronic cecal dysbiosis and a very messy bottom.  If so, please read:

But if the smelly, brown matter is confined to those pockets, then it's nothing more than his scent wax, which marks him as a sexy bunny.  Both males and females produce this, though it's more pungent in un-altered bunnies.  

Some people clean the scent pockets, but it's not really necessary unless they are infected or really nasty.  If you choose to clean them, use a tiny bit of mineral oil or vegetable oil on a clean, soft cotton ball and gently swab out the crusty wax.  Be very gentle, as the skin here is thin and friable.  Don't want to chafe his privates!

Hope this helps.

P.S. - The inguinal canal is actually the opening between the abdominal wall and the scrotum where the testicles descend, and--in some mammals--can be retracted back into the abdomen under certain conditions.  :)