Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my pregnant rabbit just gave birth yesterday

my pregnant rabbit just gave birth yesterday

22 10:34:07

Hello Dave my pregnant rabbit rosie gave birth yesterday ,but the thing is she started makeing a nest that morning in the walled part of the hutch . she made it relly high with the hay then she started pulling out fur and so on ,the next day there were 6 beautiful kits  outside not in the nest on hardley any hay or fur is this normal? they eventually found the nest and fell in it is really deep and how will rosie feed them?

The other Question i was going to ask is  Rosie is a first time mother and i dont know if she feeds her kits and she sometimes hops on them? Also when they wonder around towards her she licks them the hops over them and they cry whats wrong?
i also would like to know basic .how old till i can touch them when do they get fur stuff like that

thankyou so much misty

hi misty
dont expect to see them feeding they do it in private.
any baby coming out the nest you have to put back in as the doe will not do it.she will just leave them outside
being a first time doe she is probably a bit frightened by them but dont worry she will cope all right.
handle them when the eyes are open usually 7-10 days old.