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Proper Rabbit weight

22 10:47:18

Hi I have a rabbit that is 8 years old now.  About 8 months ago, due to intermittent soft stool problems that had escalated to being quite severe, I changed his diet to completely hay and greens.  he is doing GREAT.  he has energy, normal stool, lost weight, and seems VERY happy.  The problem is now I fear he may be too thin.  I can feel his spine, back hip bones, and his ribs, if I press- there is a thin layer over the rib.  He has a little belly though.  How can I tell if he is too thin or at the proper weight?  He seems so healthy, but should I add pellets back to his diet?  Thanks!

Dear Barbara,

One of these days we're going to get pictures of proper weight rabbits and overweight rabbits  on our web site so people can have a good visual way to compare their bunnies!  But for now, I'll try to help with just words.

It's normal to feel your bunny's spine, hip bones and ribs as long as they have a healthy covering of tissue with a little bit of fat.  I'd say about 5mm of tissue over the ribs is normal.  If the spine and hip bones are *protruding* above the rest of the back, then he may be too thin.  You should be able to feel those bones, but they should be about level with the muscles of the rest of the back.

A little belly is normal, a bit roundy, but not saggy with extra folds.  If your bunny has a dewlap (the little fold of furry skin under the chin), then its size also can indicate body fat levels.  If it's very thick with fat, that's not good.  But if it feels pretty much just like a fold of skin with fur and just a little fat, then that's normal.

A little bit of pelleted food per day will help him with minor nutrients.  I'd give no more than a tablespoon as a treat, if he has problems with them.  Just monitor his size and adjust accordingly.  For more information on healthy rabbit diet (which you probably already know), please see:

Hope that helps!
