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I have recently adopted a...

22 11:37:08

I have recently adopted a baby New Zealand Cross.  He's brought a lot of joy to my life and I love playing with him often. Next week, however, I have planned a trip overseas and I was wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent hurting the relationship I've built with him while I'm on vacation. Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

If you are going to be gone more than 2-3 weeks, he is going to forget and you will have to start your relationship over.  If you aren't going to be gone that long, then just make sure the person caring for him does the same things that you do at the same time you do
(rabbits are very much creatures of routines).

Rabbits don't have long memories, unfortunately, and after you return you may be "punished" for several days by being ignored.  

My rabbits are always happy to see me back, it just depends on their temperament whether they show me right away or not!
