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My pet rabbit: digging in the vegetable garden

22 10:33:26

I have a pet rabbit(2 years old) and he has taken to scratching the dirt out of my mums vegetable patch, is there anything i could build or make that would allow him to scratch that instead? Or is there anything i can do to stop him scratching? Thank-you very much.

Dear Rebecca,

It's very natural for a bunny to want to dig in dirt and that's a very healthy exercise for him.  I'd suggest fencing off the vegetable patch with rabbit-proof fencing available at most good hardware stores, and then creating a patch in the garden where your bunny can dig to his heart's delight and get the good fun that every bunny should have.  :)

Once he's done, you can replace the dirt and be ready for his next outing.

I hope that helps.
