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Pregnant Rabbit?

22 9:46:50

I have been trying to breed my English angora. I wasn't sure if she has gotten pregnant but she started nesting today. However, she is bleeding, I read that they will have spotted bleeding, but there seems like there is more than there should be. Could something else be wrong with her? or is she most likely pregnant?

Hi Jackie,

I hope your bunny is still ok.  I was away for the weekend.  If she was pregnant I would hope she has had the babies by now.  A rabbit only has a small amount of blood when they have babies.  Any sort of bleeding should be an indication that something is not right.  Any time you have doubt you should take the rabbit to a rabbit savvy vet right away.  If you don't already have a vet you can find one here:

I truly hope that she is doing better.
