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My bunnie had an accidental litter

22 9:46:51

My Rabbit has given birth to an accidental litter, she wasn't bred purposely, she and my male usually are seperated they live in seperate cages.  She gave birth sometime yesterday morning.  I have given her food and water, and have yet to touch the babies.  I see all of them moving around.  THis morning she seperated 2 of the babies into there own little nest like thing she built, while the other 4 are in there own little place.  Not sure if i should move those two babies back with the other bunch of baby bunnies or if i should just leave things how they are.  what should i do?

Hi Jennifer,

Put all the babies back together in one nest.  I have a suspicion that they moved themselves to that other area.  Mother rabbits don't have the ability to lift their babies and usually when they end up somewhere else the baby has crawled there.  You are not going to see her around the babies.  Rabbits are prey animals and they do everything they can to avoid their nest.  She will go in and feed them once or twice a day but it will usually be in the evening or early morning.  Occasionally you will walk in to find the rabbit feeding them but as long as they have round bellies they are being fed.

Good luck with the babies.
