Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Pale Feces from my Rabbit

Pale Feces from my Rabbit

22 10:36:54

our rabbit has had light brown feces over the past week or two.  She is eating and drinking normally and acting normally.  Can this be somehow related to her diet, and if so, what is she lacking?

Thank you.

Dear Adelaide,

Rabbit fecal pellets can vary in color depending on what she's been eating.  They tend to be lighter in color if the bunny is eating lots of fiber (which is good!).

As long as she's eating and drinking well and acting normal, I wouldn't worry.  Please see:

and find a good vet here if you are worried about her health:

But from what you've said, it doesn't sound like a major problem.

Hope this helps.
