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22 10:49:05

You have been very helpful to me on finding out what could be causing our mini lop Baxter to have mouth sores.  We tried many things and lately it seemed the Baytril was working.  Her face was cleared up and the sores were gone.  Unfortunatly she died this morning.  We don't know why, just found her already dead.  Our vet said the virus we think she had may have been more than she could continue to fight.  Thank  you for helping us in searching for what it could be that made her sick. I appreciate all your help.


Dear Gwyn,

I am terribly sorry about the passing of your dear friend.  I know you did everything you could to help her, but sometimes our feeble mortal efforts are just not enough when the body decides it has had enough.

Baxter was lucky to have such a caring "mom" who loved her every day of her life.  She will always live in your heart.

Take care,