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How many raisins are to many

22 10:53:25


I know that 'treat' food is bad.  My vet told me I could give my rabbit a raisin here and there.  Well here is my problem.  He is a stinker, not my vet.. my rabbit.  He is 4 years old and very set in his ways.  He has a very healthy diet of unlimited fresh hay, about 1/2 cup worth of rabbit safe greens per day.  An occasional apple piece without the seeds and once in a while probably not more than twice a month I will let him eat a piece of carrot because he loves them.  Well lately he won't go into his cage unless I give him a raisin.  I buy the all natural raisin's with no sugar on them.  I just wanted to know if 3 or 4 raisins a day will hurt him.  He is one of those rabbits that hates to be picked up or touched but if I give him a raisin he will let me pet him for about 2 minutes before he stomps away.  I just don't want to hurt him but it is not like I give him handfuls.  He generally gets no more than 4 raisins tops per day.  I think I am just worried because I came home the other day and found my husband giving him a raisin also.

If this is horrible for him could you please tell me a 'safe' treat that I can give him.  I take very good care of him but after reading all these answers in this forum I am very nervous that I might be giving him to much starches.  

We had to move him out of the room he has free roam of and put him in his cage because the air-conditioner broke.  Until we can get it fixed he has to stay caged unless we are right with him.  He needs to be in the main living room where our air-conditioner is and there is no way we would ever be able to rabbit proof it.  We have studio B&W speakers and if they got so much as a scratch my husband would have a stroke.  I just feel so bad with him in a cage constantly thumping in disapproval but I am doing it for his own safety until I can get the air conditioner fixed.

Any advise you can give me about the raisins and how to make my rabbit happy until I can get his air conditioner and his 'safe' room fixed would be great.  Oh he has every toy imaginable also.

One more question I have.. I bought him a fleece bed and pillow since he is in a cage and I wanted him to be comfy.  His cage is as big as my whole living room wall but its a plastic bottom cage and I just felt like it wasn't fair that he had to sleep on a hard floor instead of the carpet he is used to.  I tried a seagrass bed and he ate it within an hour.  Well he has never dug the carpet but he has been digging his bed.  Is fleece safe?  I don't think he has been chewing it, just digging it but I want to be 100% sure.

Thank you for your time.  


In regards to the fleece bedding, as long as he's just digging at it, it's fine.  Fleece or synthetic fleece is often used in pet beds.  I have quite a few that I use for my rabbits.  They're quite good for sick or injured rabbits.  And the digging is natural.  You could also try giving him a phonebook to help him work out his digging.  A lot of rabbits love digging on phonebooks.
In terms of the raisins, a little raisin is fine.  If his cecotrophs and regular poop pellets are fine, you're probably doing ok.  However, 3 or 4 a day would make me personally uncomfortable.  You can try switching to a vege or a less sugary fruit for a raisin if he'll go for that.  The house rabbit society has a FAQ here:  However, they do give more advice on what not to give.  Here's a page with some fruits to try: Apples are on this list.