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lopped ear

22 11:32:45

I have a 8 week old lopped eared female bunny. Her right ear stands up straight, and her left ear lops down.Is there anything i can do to help her keep her ear down?. is it painful for her if i keep rubbing her ear down? and i think she was sick when i bought her. she has a bit of a runny nose and keeps sneezing, she keeps making noises almost like chattering of her teeth. im not a first time rabbit owner.. but ive never seen this with my other rabbit.

Please and thank you  

You are not hurting her to rub on it, but keep in mind that some lops never drop their ears.  8 weeks is a little young to expect much though.

She sounds like she has snuffles and should see a vet for antibiotics, I use Baytril which is strong and effective.  Without treatment it could get worse and even lead to death.  Don't trust over the counter remedies - they only cover up symptoms.
