Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > can we give watermelon to a baby rabbit?

can we give watermelon to a baby rabbit?

22 10:26:27

can we give a baby rabbit watermelon to a baby rabbit that can already open it's eyes?

Dear Edwin,

I would avoid giving anything sugary or starchy to a baby rabbit, especially if he isn't nursing his mother (which he should until he's a full 8 weeks old).  Things like watermelon can be introduced in very small quantities as a special treat when the bunny is older (about 3 months), but not before.

Young rabbits are very susceptible to intestinal upsets, and can die very quickly from diarrhea, as described here:

For an overview of healthy rabbit diet, please see:

and for all the best information on rabbit care, litterbox training, rabbit veterinarians, etc. please go to:

Hope that helps!
