Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rosemary


22 11:09:12

Is it safe for my White New Zealand bun to eat fresh rosemary? If so, how much (he's 8.5 lbs)? Second question, can I give him fresh garlic in any amount?

Thank you ;)

Dear Wanda,

Rosemary is safe in moderate quantities.  (Most rabbits won't eat a lot of it, anyway, since it's very strong-tasting.)

Garlic and onions should not be given to any mammals, as only humans seem to have the physiological ability to metabolize certain compounds in them that can cause dangerous anemias in other species.  

It's not known for certain whether garlic and onions cause Heinz body anemia in rabbits, but they have been known do so in horses and some other herbivores.  I would err on the side of caution and not feed these to your rabbit.
