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Dwarf rabbit going to the mountain

22 9:38:02

Dear Dana,

My question is about my dwarf rabbit. I am going to move in another town and I'm worried about him! He is 1 and an half year's old and he grew up in my house with a mild climate, humid every season.
Now I am moving to a mountain town with a very dry weather and cold at an altitude of 2000 meters.
Can the weather and the altitude affect my rabbit? Considering he lived on the plain since he was born. I know that the oxygen is lesser on the mountain. The rabbit may get sick or something... What do you think Dana?

Thank you very mica for tour help.

Dear Marcello,

Like you, your bunny will gradually acclimate to the new conditions.  Just don't make him exert himself once he's at the new altitude.  Within a month or so, his blood cell levels will have adjusted, and he will be able to handle things just fine.

He will enjoy the cooler climate naturally, as it's closer to what his ancestors evolved to survive in.  

Enjoy your new home!
