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Spinning Rabbit

22 11:12:43

We have two girls bunnies who are about 3 months old. We generally bring them inside to get some exercise in the evening, however on doing this last night one of the bunnies, Sky, started to exhibit some strange behaviour.

Basically she would crook her neck to the left and start to spin / rotate, similar to a dog chasing its tail, but more uncontrolled and 'demented' looking. There was also some loss of control of the left eye, which was wide open showing some white and her ear was crooked respectively.

The spinning would generally increase in speed and become less controlled. We gently supported he until she was still and then she would hop off and sit down, seemingly ok.

This process repeated a few times and we eventually took her to the emergency vet.

Generally she seemed a little subdued, but is still eating and drinking as usual.

Unfortunately the vet was unable to give a full diagnosis, although he suggested a few things.

1) A virus for which some antibiotics were prescribed.
2) An injury to the nervous system (brain / spine) caused by trauma.
3) Floppy bunny syndrome, although on looking into this it does not usually seem to involve the spinning.

I realise it may be one of these situations where a precise diagnosis is difficult, but do you have any further ideas or an inkling what the most likely cause is.

Any additional information would be greatfully recieved.   

Kind Regards


Dear Paul,

I hope the vet didn't really tell you it was a virus, and then give you antibiotics for it, because antibiotics will do nothing to stop a virus.  I think perhaps you mean bacteria, and these can, indeed, cause head tilt.  Please read the following overview:

and then a very complete and more technical explanation of all the possibilities here (you can share this one with your vet, as it's written by a vet).

Hope this helps.
