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Toilet training house rabbit

22 9:48:21

Hi, I have a rabbit approx 3-4 months old. Previously she was easily trained to go in the litter tray with virtually no accidents and now suddenly the past few days she has been leaving a trail of pellets behind her all over the house. They are normal and not runny.what could have caused this and how do i fix the problem? I have been giving her extra attention and pats but this hasn't improved the situation. Please help.
Regards Robyn


sounds like your gal has hit sexual maturity.  Dropping pellets outside the box is part of marking territories.

Technically there is no problem, or anything "wrong".  

The thing that will help greatly reduce this is to get her spayed by a good rabbit vet.  Not all vets are rabbit vets.  You need to go to one that does this procedure on a regular basis and has a very high success rate.

If you don't have a good regular rabbit vet already, start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

About 4-6 weeks after the spay you'll notice behavior changes going back to the way she used to be.  However it will still be good to put down an extra litterpan in the spot she marked the most when she was dropping a lot of pellets.  She may still want to periodically drop pellets as seasonal changes may up her remaining hormones.  It could be a good place to put extra hay and water when she's out playing.  She'll have all that in the same area.
