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helping a bunny

22 11:07:58

Hello, this is me again, asking another question. Well, I was thinking to myself that, Pepper, my bunny, soils and lays in his mess about every...maybe 25 minutes or so, because of his broken legs or something, and therefore he cannot reach the litter box to relieve himself. I wanted to get his old cage back, the kind where there are bars on the bottom and when your rabbit relieves himself, it goes on the very bottom, under the bars, of the cage. So that would mean, he couldn't lay in his mess as much. Well, what I'm asking is, do you think getting a cage like that, for a situation like this, would work and help?

That would be fine, but I would suggest also getting something called an "E-Z Mat". is an online store that offers it (you can purchase elsewhere of course, I just wanted to provide the link so you can see what it looks like).

It locks into place on the wire so that it does not slide around. It provides more support for the rabbit so that it does not get sores on its feet. However, unlike a solid cage or resting board, it allows the waste to fall through the holes.