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22 10:01:02

A few weeks ago, my rabbit got runny stool. Since then, I've cut back on all of her treats. Now all she eats is plain pellets and Timothy hay but, she still isn't better. On the Internet, I read that adding more fiber to a rabbit's diet can help but what other fibers can I feed her?


Hi Ann,

There are other conditions that can cause loose stool.  Chances are that it is not diarrhea as true diarrhea kills rabbits quickly.  I would suggest that you read this article:

I then suggest you get an appointment with a rabbit savvy vet. If you do not already have one you can try this site;

I don't feed anything but high quality pellets and hay.  Other than oatgrass, wheat grass and timothy hay I really don't know what else to offer you.  I would suggest that you ask one of the experts that deals exclusively with rescues.  If you are feeding high quality pellets and high and there is still mushy poo then there is clearly another issue going on.

I hope your bunny gets better soon
