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bunny eating and drinking little

22 10:57:59

We just aquired a year old lop ear with hutch. She is not eating mutch and
doesn't appear to be drinking. She has become less docile, and doesn't want
to be held, but when taken out of cage becomes very docile and content, and
her droppings have become somewhat white and chalky. She has lost at least
a couple of lbs( she was quite a big bunny when we got her) in the past 2
weeks. Help, what do i need to do, or change or what, she will eat carrots
consistently but only give her one every few days otherwise is bunnie pellets.

Hi LaWane

If your rabbit has lost a couple of pounds in 2 weeks then you need to take her to a vet asap.  Something is wrong with a rabbit that loses that much weight and hasn't been on a strict exercise program.

Carrots aren't really a good diet for a rabbit and if that is all she is willing to eat then she will definitely have strange colored droppings.  There are so many things that could be wrong with her.  You need to get her to a doctor as soon as you can.

If you need help finding a vet in your area please visit the following site:

You can also try some different veggies from the veggie approved list and see if that helps.  This article also gives you suggestions on what she should be eating.  Be very sure to give her fresh grass hay.  If she is refusing to eat pellets you can use alfalfa hay.  If she starts to eat her pellets again take her off the alfalfa hay and back on the grass (timothy) hay.  The article should help you greatly

Thank you
