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My rabbit fudge

22 10:01:02

4-5 weeks ago my male rabbit fudge stopped eating and his eyes where watering. I took him to the vet straight away.
Vet said he possibly had conjunctivitis (think that spelt wrong), his teeth had over grown, one of his lungs was a bit weesy but nothing to be worried about and his teeth had overgrown. He put fudge on anti-biotics for lungs, anti-biotic drops for eye, other eye drops to keep eye moist and a fibre paste as he had stopped eating. Vet also advised he should be put on to eating pellets instead of Muesli.
Week later, his eye and lung where much better and he had an operation booked for his over grown teeth.
During all this time he was drinking normally, only eating soft foods (eg fruit and veg, soft bits from muesli). He had his operation and it was successful.
After he was eating okay but not great, drinking ALOT of water and not eating any hay. He slowly started eating better, but still not as much as he used to and only a little hay.
We then moved house, he was okay with that, little weary but okay. I slowly started mixing in his new pellets. I then noticed he stopped eating again altogether even hay. I tried him on every kind of hay and all he is eating now is some bits from his muesli. he now wont touch his pellets at all or hay and is drinking very little water.


rabbits often need to be on antibiotics for at least a month to really wipe out infections they have, because of the way their pus is (very thick, hard for medicine to penetrate and kill off).  I doubt one week of antibiotics killed everything.  What you are left with is the hardier, stronger bacteria that will require now more time to kill off.  

I would suggest him being looked over once again, explain to a good rabbit vet what happened, and ask he be put back on anitbiotics for at least a month to really wipe out whatever he's got.

I would also ask for pain meds because of the teeth operation.  His gums may be swollen from his teeth operation.  You don't say which teeth were overgrown, I am assuming it was his front teeth and not his back molars.  If he's lost his front teeth he should still be able to eat hay, as his molars are the teeth used to grind that up.  But if is gums are still in pain it could cause him not to eat, and if there's an infection developed in the empty tooth sockets or some of the tooth root still in there that could cause problems.  

Moving to the new house is very hard on a rabbit.  Their whole world changes.  This is stressful on him, on top of the operation and sickness he had.  Try to spend extra time with him, the stress of all this is going to impact his immune system negatively.  

If he's not eating and drinking you need to with a feeding syringe, give him water (slowly) and get some Oxbow Critical Care and feed him that multiple times a day.  Dehydration will kill him. And not eating will make him weak.

The not eating part though has a medical issue behind it. He'll need to go to a good rabbit vet.  they should do a head xray to make sure the teeth extraction left nothing behind and that there's no infection in the tooth sockets.  Double check the lungs again, and eyes again.  He probably needs to stay on antibiotics, 1 week is too short to kill everything.  I think he was getting better after a week, but lots of people and animals feel better after a week, but not everything's wiped out, and then they stop taking antibiotics, the stuff left behind once again starts growing and you're sick again.

So recheck everything, recheck the remaining teeth too to make sure there are no problems that would cause him not to eat.

At this point you need to get him in immediately.  If you need a good rabbit vet start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.  They have links to international listing on this page as well.