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rabbit had her babies 10 days early.

22 10:59:04

I bred my rabbit (doe) on the 10th of March, and on the 27th she started pulling hair, well on the 28th my daughter went out there and found one baby bunny dead, the next morning, I went outside to find 7 more dead babies just scattered all over the cage floor, she had eaten one of the bodies of the baby. What could have happend, she was pulling hair. The last time she had babies she was a good mother, she had them in her box and never did this. Can you help me.?

Jennifer, are you crystal sure you bred her on the 10th of March ?  Were the babies well formed ?  If the babies were well formed you made a mistake on the date.  If the babies were sort of blobbish then she had a miscarriage.  Usually with a miscarriage the mother does not pull fur - a hormone swing makes her pull fur.  If it was a miscarriage it was probably caused by a) a bad scare b) a toxin in her food or c) an infection in her uterine horns.

If it was a mistake in the date do not worry just breed her again in three days.  If it was a miscarriage I would 1) change all food stuffs 2) make sure the birthing/ breeding area is safe for her ( no upsets ) 3) give her an antibiotic treatment - I would use Bytril 5% 1 ml per kilo of weight for 5 days and then wait a month to rebreed.
( I am not a vet )