Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny is bleeding and, shes pregnant.

My bunny is bleeding and, shes pregnant.

22 9:57:43

Dear Dana,
I have a 5 month old Mini Rex bunny.
She's pregnant and I'm not sure how long she has been.
I didn't know the sexes of my rabbits till this past week.
I'm not sure if she's in labor or what.
I found her yesterday in a hole putting grass in it.
We decided to move her in the house.
Oh, and when we found her yesterday she had some blood on her but no babies.
I'm really concerned....

Dear Krystal,

As my instructions clearly direct, please don't write to anyone on the internet for advice in a case like this!  The answer may not come quickly enough, as we are all volunteers and cannot always address questions in emergencies.

Please get your bunny to a good rabbit vet immediately:

This is very serious, and she needs proper, in-person medical attention.

I hope she will be okay.
